The HALTEC company seeks to provide sustainable development of the business, paying special attention not only an economic, but also social component.
"HALTEC" steadily follows the principles of social responsibility which are:
• creation of new jobs,• implementation of social programs for personnel,
• sponsorship and charity.
Our Company gives charitable support to Regional public state educational institution "Boarding school for students with limited opportunities of health No. 88 "Smile" (OGKOU "Boarding school No. 88 "Smile").
Annually representatives of HALTEC Group visit OGKOU "Boarding school No. 88 "Smile".
We give various help and support to children of boarding school since 1994.
Christmas and New Year's holidays for children of boarding school "Smile" already became traditional.
In turn the Principal of the boarding school Ismailova Naylya Aliyevna together with pupils will always organize a warm heartiest welcome for our envoys.
Children tell verses, sing songs, play musical instruments, show performances, treat with tea with sweets.
Helping OGKOU "Boarding school No. 88 "Smile", our Company hopes to help with development and education of children with limited opportunities of health - if we are not able to give to these children of health, we have to at least try not to disregard them and cares, to distract from sad thoughts.
It should be noted that the school is helped not only by the management of the Company, but also many staff of HALTEC Group.
We hope that our patronage of OGKOU "Boarding school No. 88 "Smile", will serve as a good example for our many partners and will push them to care of other children's schools or other social institutions in the regions.
Spiritual and civil development of society should not lag behind technological.